I decided to take the idea a step further, so we could use it in a work setting. We have people moving in and out of our departments all the time, and usually we only know them well enough to say "hello" at the coffee pot. This is a fun (and fast) way to get to know people - at work, in a social club, or even at a party! You can always adjust the questions to slant it more toward the social, or more toward the professional, depending on the group! Here are the basics - but you can tweak any of the steps so it can work for you.
Speed Networking
Materials Needed:
Questions (we used “fun” questions - a quick Google search of "questions to get to know people" will give you lot's of ideas, but you could also add your own, work-related “how long have you been in your current job, tell me about your career, etc”)
1 person to be the Timer (we used an iPhone)
Depending on your crowd, 2-3 people to help with the “switch,” telling people where to go (usually people don’t want to wrap up their conversation, so you have to force people to move on.
Ideally, you can use a long table, with chairs set directly across from each other.
Print out the questions and cut into strips (one question per strip) – distribute questions throughout tables so people can grab them easily
NOTE: depending on your layout, you have to be strategic about the “switching.” So I advise studying your layout and coming up with a plan ahead of time. If you have one table, you may want to have one side “rotate” – everyone shift down one seat, and the last person move to the front of the line. We’ve also done it where everyone moves around the table… in these situations, you talk to half the people there. Usually that takes up plenty of time, but if you want to add more rounds, you can have people switch tables, etc.
At the Event:
As participants arrive, fill up the chairs, making sure each person has someone sitting across from them. Once everyone is seated, give a brief overview of the “networking instructions:”
“Welcome to speed networking! We’ll be doing multiple “rounds” today, but here’s how it works: you have one minute to get to know the person across from you. We’ve placed sample questions on the table for your inspiration. We are your hosts/timers, and at the one-minute mark, we’ll tell you to SWITCH!” At this point, you tell them what the direction is for “switches.”
Ready, set, go! Once it starts going, it moves very quickly, and you can do as many rounds as you want!
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